Pilates Studio 1 is proudly hosting Lolita’s Legacy Teacher Training Program
Please email us your information at info@pilatesstudio1.com.
I call my Teacher Training Program Lolita’s Legacy™ because I am very conscious of the marvelous legacy I received from Joseph Pilates as well as from other wonderful teachers, and I have finally designed a Teacher Training Program that embodies this legacy and my more than 58 years of professional experience in the movement of the human body. In Lolita’s Legacy™ my goal is to provide superior Pilates instruction and thus produce excellent Pilates teachers. For that reason my program is unique. Only Pilates professionals whom I have personally trained for two years in my Mentor Program—a minimum of 160 hours directly with me—will be qualified to teach my Teacher Training Program.
The Course is Comprehensive and covers historical and contemporary exercise on Mat, Reformer, Cadillac/Trapeze Table, Chair, Barrels and Auxiliary equipment in addition to history, philosophy and teaching protocols; the course is enhanced by an Anatomy Manual by Dr. Aaron Spector, written for Lolita’s Legacy™. The four parts of the course are: Introduction and Mat plus Systems I, II and III that cover Pilates Apparatus and Auxiliary equipment.
Program Details:
According to Ms. San Miguel, Mat is the basis for the Pilates Method. The Lolita’s Legacy™ Mat system is enhanced by the following course materials:
Kinematics of Movement Anatomy Manual, created especially for the program by Dr. Aaron Spector.
Introduction and Overview of the Pilates Method, which deals with the history of the creators of the Method and the “elders”.
The Philosophy and Principles of Joseph Pilates and Ms. San Miguel.
The Fundamentals, benefits and values of practicing the Pilates Method.
A DVD of Ms. San Miguel’s workshop on the History of Pilates recorded for Pilates Anytime which includes a month free membership to Pilates Anytime.
Two DVDs on Mat performed by Ms. San Miguel.
These materials accompany the Lolita’s Legacy™ Mat System Teacher Training Manual.
Mat System
56 course hours
Session 1 is a 4-day weekend of 28 hours. Session 2 is 4-day weekend of 28 hours. Lolita San Miguel believes the Mat work is the basis of the Pilates Method and it is the most accessible to all students. This Module teaches the historic order, contemporary movements, as well as Pre-Pilates, and post Pilates movements that will prepare and condition your body to work on the floor using only your own body weight as resistance. Although traditionally the Mat work was designed by Joseph Pilates as the accomplishment of his technique, Lolita developed and integrated further movements into the the traditional work to enable your body to perform at its best ability.
System One
48 course hours
Session 1 is a 3-day weekend of 24 hours. Session 2 is a 3-day weekend of 24 hours. The second step in the Lolita’s Legacy™ training, System I covers the Pilates apparatus: the Reformer, Cadillac, Chair and Ladder Barrel. Accompanied by a Manual and a DVD of Lolita teaching the exercises for this System.
System Two
48 course hours
Session 1 is a 3-day weekend of 24 hours. Session 2 is a 3-day weekend of 24 hours. The third step in the Lolita’s Legacy™ training, System II builds upon the exercises introduced in System I and covers Level II Pilates exercises on the Reformer, Cadillac, Chair and Ladder Barrel and introduces exercises on the Spine Corrector, Magic Circle, Rollers and Poles. Accompanied by a Manual and a DVD of Lolita teaching the exercises for this System.
System Three
32 course hours
System Three is one session consisting of a 4-day weekend totaling 32 hours. The fourth step in the Lolita’s Legacy™ training, System III is the final step on the student’s progressive pathway to becoming a comprehensively trained Lolita’s Legacy™ Pilates Teacher. It builds on all the previous work and covers Level III apparatus exercises on the Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Ladder Barrel, Spine Corrector, Magic Circle, Rollers, Poles and Ped-O-Pull and also covers Auxiliary equipment exercises on the Foot Corrector, Toe Corrector and Wrist Strengthener. Accompanied by a Manual and a DVD of Lolita teaching the exercises for this System.
Students are required to take each System in sequential order. Upon successful completion of all four Systems, assignments and all course hours, and receive a passing score on the Final Comprehensive Exam; students will earn a Comprehensive Education Certificate of completion from Lolita’s Legacy™ signed by Lolita San Miguel.
The Mat System is 2 weekends of training and consists of 56 contact hours. Upon completion of the Mat System students will take System I, II and III. Upon successful completion of all 4 Systems, assignments and course hours and a passing score on the Final Exam students will earn a Comprehensive Certificate of Education signed by Lolita San Miguel and their Educator. The Mat System lays the foundation for your Pilates education and prepares you to begin your pathway of higher learning to become an inspiring Pilates professional.
• Cost of Course: $5,950. Final Exam: $400.00
• Payments are divided into the four parts of the course: Mat, Systems I, II and III
• Please make checks payable to Pilates Studio 1.
Mat System System I System II System III
$1700.00 $1550.00 $1550.00 $1150.00
Two 4-day weekends Two 3-day weekends Two 3-day weekends One 4-day weekend
56 contact hours 48 contact hours 48 contact hours 32 contact hours
As a registered student of Lolita's Legacy Teacher Training Program you receive a discount on private sessions and classes at Pilates Studio 1, be sure to take advantage of these great deals!
Equipment Classes
Package of Four: $84.00
Package of Ten: $200.00
Mat Classes
Private Sessions
Package of Four: $48.00
Package of Ten: $100.00
Package of Four: $364.00
Contact hours: 184 • Observation hours: 124 • Self-Practice: 100 • Assistant/Student Teaching: 92 • Total number of hours: 500
“ A fantastic teacher training program! Marian and Laura taught Lolita’s Legacy with tremendous attention to detail. Thanks to both of our instructors our group was prepared for the final certification test! So happy I choose to get my teacher training from Pilates Studio 1.”
“I feel so lucky that I got to learn from and work with Marian Llamas and Laura Cordle. The Lolita’s Legacy program is an extremely comprehensive program. You will feel such confidence in your teaching abilities when you are done.”
Download Lolita’s Legacy Teacher Training Program Forms: